Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm going to take that cigarette and stomp on it. (Bio Blog #4)

Blog #4 go to one of the following:
     NPR science
    Science News
    BBC Science
Read an article of your choice. Summarize it 5-8 sentences
Explain why you think it is important and put a link to the article

This is the article I chose:

This article was all about smoking and how it effects gene function. The Southwest Foundation of Biomedical Research launched a study and found that all those exposed to cigarette smoke had changes in the structures and functions of their cells. Smoking also had a horrible influence on the immune system and those changes in cells even appeared to have many processes involved with cancer, cell death and metabolism. There was an increased risk of different types of cancers throughout the body and also increases in human diseases. Based on this article, I'm sure it is safe to say that smoking will make you live a shorter life. I chose to write about this article, because I think there are way to many smokers in this world who smoke out of habit and are not really addicted. On top of that, I greatly dislike the smell of smoke and the negative effects on the human body are extremely horrible. I don't understand why people MUST have cigarettes, and how they could possibly avoid the fact that smoking can kill.

"...not only individual genes but entire networks of gene interaction are influenced by cigarette smoking."

In my opinion, I think all smokers should really open their eyes and see how smoking effects their bodies and how secondhand smoke effects everyone around them. They are inconsiderate. Think of all the non smokers who have to breathe it in every day; how do you think they feel about the fact that cigarette smoke effects them as much as it effects the smokers? They should genuinely try their hardest to quite. I know willpower is a large factor in quitting for many smokers, but I think that if they tried hard enough, they could quite smoking, help the world, and ultimately help themselves.

No Smoking Sign Clip Art  

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